Back to School at All Day Montessori

On Tuesday, September 8th, we were ready for All Day Montessori students to return to school after the longest break in the 25-year history. Staff planned and discussed pandemic response policies, but it was all theory until it was put into action.

Everything was sparkling clean, the tables spread out, and the drive up/drop off signs are ready for the parents. We have our new contactless thermometers, contactless sign in with the new app Transparent Classroom, and lots of PPE. No one knew what to expect. The children were so happy to return to school. The parents were a little nervous, but thankful to bring their children back. The faculty was a little overwhelmed, but excited to do the work we love, care for, and teach young children.

All teachers and students age three and up wear masks except when they are eating, drinking, or sleeping. Each classroom is considered a contained unit. In their classroom, students work at designated tables and each has a little basket for when they remove their masks to eat or drink. The children adapting to these different expectations has been effortless. They just seem happy to be back with their teachers and friends.

ADM parents have read and agreed to our Pandemic Policies which include a daily screening; 72-hour fever, symptom, and medicine-free policy; and expectations of clear and honest communication about COVID exposure and travel. We held town hall meetings to discuss our policies and answered questions regarding a variety of scenarios. The goal is to keep our students, family, and faculty as protected from exposure to COVID-19 as possible. We all have a shared responsibility to each other.

Faculty members decided if they feel comfortable coming back to work. Discussions covered Pandemic Policies and changes to our systems to support social distancing. Parents have a scheduled arrival time. They drive up, show their child’s card, and a teacher meets them in the car wearing PPE to ask the screening questions, take the child’s temperature, and check them in.

The children enter the building, change their shoes, wash hands for the first of many times, and begin their school day. All the preparation and planning has paid off. The pure joy on the children’s faces has reinforced that it was all worth it. When the parents come to pick up their children, their relief from accomplishing some of their work is evident. The children are tired and happy from a fulfilling day at school. The faculty has shared their full heart and peaceful contentment to return to the work they love.

All Day Montessori, founded for working parents, provides a nurturing, educationally rich and developmentally appropriate environment, 7:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. each school day. There are a few spots available. Parents interested in learning more can contact Rebecca Bellonci, or call 773-239-8330.

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